

這首Rewrite The Stars是由歌舞青春男星Zac Efron和我超愛的Zendaya合唱的,電影中兩人對雙方的感受透過歌詞表現得令人感同身受

But there are mountains and there are doors that we can't walk through兩人之間像隔著山般,道道看不見的門把彼此分離,不是我不想愛你,而是我無法靠近你,歌詞中從原本男方的期待轉到女方的無助,字裡行間濃濃情感扣人心弦

這首歌的旋律在我看完電影後也在腦海裡揮之不去,尤其是Zendaya甜美的歌聲  I LOVE IT !!! 這次能再看到休傑克曼和柴克艾弗隆開金嗓也算是值得了,非常推薦大家進戲院欣賞喔!(這也是本人第一次透過部落格分享歌詞翻譯,如果有翻譯建議或是排版不順之類的缺點請不吝地在留言告訴我喔,之後也會持續做翻譯,有想翻的歌也能和我說喔,歌詞翻譯都是照我覺得較符合的意境去做修飾,所以不一定是按照歌詞一字一字地翻,但會是歌詞所要傳達的內容,翻錯的話請告知喔)

以下是Rewrite The Stars歌詞翻譯


[Verse 1: Zac Efron]

You know I want you 你知道我渴望的是你
It's not a secret I try to hide 我也不會像秘密般掩飾這份情
I know you want me 我了解你要的也是我
So don't keep saying ouhands are tied 別再說我們束手無措
You claim it's not in the cards 你要求愛清不只是說說而已
But fate is pulling you miles away 但命運將你我分隔百哩
And out of reach from me 你離我甚遠
But you're here in my heart 但卻深刻地在我心頭
So who can stop me if I decide 誰都無法阻止我
That you're my destiny? 當我認定你就是我真命

[Chorus: Zac Efron]
What if we rewrite the stars? 如果我們能改寫星光
Say you were made to be mine 說你註定會和我相愛
Nothing could keep us apart 沒有任何是能將我們拆散
You'd be the one I was meant to find 你就是我在尋找的那個唯一
It's up to you, and it's up to me 這份情決定於你我
No one can say what we get to be 沒人能說定我們的未來
So why don't we rewrite the stars? 何不讓我們改寫星光
Maybe the world could be ours 或許我們能擁有一切
Tonight 就在今晚

[Verse 2: Zendaya]
You think it's easy 你認為這很容易
You think I don't want to run to you 你以為我不想奔進你胸懷
But there are mountains 但到處都像高山般阻隔我們
And there are doors that we can't walk through 跨不過一道道的門牆
I know you're wondering why 我知道你正在疑惑這份情的矛盾
Because we're able to be 因為我們的確是彼此的命中注定
Just you and me 只需你和我
Within these walls 在這我們用高牆築起的小天地
But when we go outside 但當我們走向外頭
You're going to wake up and see that it was hopeless after all 你會清醒明白一切都是多麼無助

[Chorus: Zendaya]
No one can rewrite the stars 沒人能改寫星光
How can you say you'll be mine? 又如何說我們能相愛
Everything keeps us apart 任何事都能輕易地分開你我
And I'm not the one you were meant to find 我不是你在尋找的那個唯一
It's not up to you 整件事並非
It's not up to me 決定於你我
When everyone tells us what we can be 當大眾說定我們的未來走向時
How can we rewrite the stars? 我們要如何改寫星光
Say that the world can be ours 怎麼說咱們能擁有一切
Tonight 就在今夜

[Verse 3: Zac Efron and Zendaya]
All I want is to fly with you 我只想和你展翅高飛
All I want is to fall with you 我只想和你墜入情網
So just give me all of you 所以請給我你的全部

It feels impossible 這感覺毫無希望

It's not impossible 這並非不可能的

Is it impossible?  這能成真嗎

Say that it's possible 承諾你我的感情可能實現

How do we rewrite the stars? 要如何改寫星光
Say you were made to be mine? 怎麼說你我天註定
Nothing can keep us apart 沒有任何事能拆散彼此
Cause you are the one I was meant to find 因為你是我在尋找的那個唯一
It's up to you 這份感情
And it's up to me 掌控在你我
No one can say what we get to be 沒人能說定我們的未來
And why don't we rewrite the stars? 何不讓我們改寫星光
Changing the world to be ours 將世界變成我們的天地

[Outro: Zendaya]
You know I want you 你知道我渴望的是你
It's not a secret I try to hide 我也不會像秘密般掩飾這份情
But I can't have you 但我似乎無法擁有你
We're bound to break and 我們註定分開
My hands are tied 且我已經無能為力了



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